Sunday, December 17, 2006

Sunday Cat Blogging

In today's episode:

Moon likes to be picked up and carried. However, he had alterior motives this time. When I walked by Lisa's big computer armoir, he climbed onto my back/neck and then sprang onto the top of the armoir to take a look around. (Tip - view the full pic to see some cool reptilian marble-like eyes.)

Feather didn't want any of that, so she was on the nearby window sill trying to figure out a way to get up to the armoir's top.

Resigning herself to not being able to get up there, Moon relaxed, giving me the opportunity for a macro lens close-up.


At 11:55 PM, Blogger Marked Hoosier said...


At 2:48 PM, Blogger Anna Colgan said...

Great micro-lens close up. These rarely work with our cats - black & white fur is difficult to capture effectively, but I keep trying!


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